Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Will N's essay

On the Junior Urban Adventure e my essential question was, Do supplements improve an athlete’s performance or not, and how are these supplements monitored? My group went to three major universities in Boston as well as the Boston globe to find an answer to our essential questions. At BU the nutritionists talk about how supplements are good and bad and that you just need to look into a product before just reading what it says on the label and using it. Also that a lot of protein supplements are just like if you were to eat a chicken for dinner. When we went to North Eastern the baseball coach there told us about how supplements were monitored. He said that there were “random” drug testing and that the players where aloud to use protein and creatine as long as nothing was going to pop up on a test result. Two of the baseball players we talk with told us about how they use protein supplements and creatine, they said they just have to be careful because some times curtain supplements do not tell what is in them
and that stuff can show up on a drug test. At BC they talk a little bit on supplements. They said that there are random drug testing for illegal supplements but athletes are allowed to use protein and creatine. The two-baseball players form Northeastern both said that they think protein helps a lot and creatine helps a good amount to. They said it is a good supplement to take on the off-season to build muscle mass and gain weight. The Junior Urban Adventure was a good trip to help us as students understand and learn more about what we wanted to know and I defiantly found out what I wanted to know about supplements and how they affect athletes performance and how hey are monitored. For the most part most of the supplements do help an athlete’s performance and do increase strength. Not to say you just have to take them and you will be good, you need to work out and train while on these supplements. The answer to my question is that supplements are monitored to some extent and there are curtain ones that are g
ood and ones that are bad. They are proven to enhance an athlete’s performance but also have been proven to bring an athlete down in some areas. The best way to use supplements is just to look in to them and not just take something because of what it says on the label, make sure there are no forms of steroids that could harm you.

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