Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Funding for Athletic Facilities

By Preston Y.

Our Junior Urban Adventure was held in Boston, Mass. It was an experience that was very interesting, informative, and exciting. Before I went on the outing, I thought it was going to be boring, and a waste of time. I soon found out, that there was much more to ‘Sport’s and Society,’ than I could’ve imagined. With the adventure, giving me a lot of information, I have decided that the sports industry is where I would like to see myself in the future.

My assignment for the JUA trip was to find out where colleges get their funding for the sport facilities. After visiting Boston University, Boston College, and Northeastern College, I found that there were many different ways that colleges fund their facilities. One area which they receive funds from, is from the Alumni. Boston College, receives a lot of funding, from their own, Heisman Trophy winner, Doug Flutie. Alumni, such as Flutie, continue to fund their ‘Alma Marta,’ because they feel they owe their success to their schools. Where they were taught, the skills and education, that they use in their every day lives.

In researching my question, I have found out, that some of the biggest schools are now using “Venture Capital Investment Programs.” Through this action, Capital is invested and the interest earned, is used for the betterment of the College sports program. Stanford began their program at just $100,000. But, now they have 85 million, of which 30 million is earmarked for upgrades to their Stadium.

Any sports player, or hardcore fan, wants to be on the “winning team.” These players, and fans, will do just about anything to be a part of the winning team. Also, the school itself has its own fund, which goes directly to the sports complex. Most schools feel as though, a winning team, will bring in some “winning students.”

A big, if not the biggest contribution to funding for the sport programs, is Advertisement. By recruiting one of the “top player’s” a college can gain many endorsement deals, through some big names, such as: Pepsi, Coke, Olympia Sports, Nike, etc. The better the teams are, the more they are shown on T.V. And, the more they are shown on T.V, the more valuable the advertisements become to the college, players, and also the Company’s advertising. Everything that you purchase at a college game goes right into the sports division. Even the hotdogs, and soda you purchase during the game, a cut goes straight into the sports program. Which shows that the how a “winning team” can affect the sales, and performance of a certain school.

After my trip to Boston, I realized how important it is, to have winning teams. I wish that this year, was a better year for New Hampton, and after being part of two losing teams, I feel as though we are not doing enough, to keep the “winning spirit” alive. I hope, with the New Year ahead, we can find our “winning spirit,” once again.

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